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nearly在句中的位置,3. Usig \\\"early\\\" for Emphasis

How o Use early i he Middle of a Seece: a Guide

nearly在句中的位置,3. Usig \\"early\\" for Emphasis

1. Udersadig he Use of early i a Seece

Whe usig early i he middle of a seece,i is ypically placed afer he subjec ad before he verb,The projec was early compleed before hedeadlie. I his seece,early is placed afer he subjec projec ad before he verb compleed.

3. Usig early for Emphasis

nearly在句中的位置,3. Usig \\"early\\" for Emphasis

Oe reaso for usig early

While early i Coex

To become more comforable wih usig ue-image" src="https://i01piccdn.sogoucdn.com/d41f8d7fe65e6651?.png"/>

i he middle of a seece ca be a powerful way o add emphasis ad show closeess i your wriig. Byismeaig, placeme, ad purpose,you ca effecively icorporae \\“early\\”io your seeces for greaer impac ad clariy。

